Thursday, March 08, 2007

Trip to Dover

Yesterday Mark and I took a trip to Dover to visit his mother. I love mini-road trips. They can always be fun. Especially when you make wrong turns (something about a map being transposed incorrectly), stop at the outlet mall (except with no dinero) and the scenery has a light blanket of snow.

When we got to Mark's mother's house we spent the first few hours talking, which is always nice. Mark got to ask her for advice on things that he has been pondering and we had a good talk. Then we got to rummage a little bit through her book store. i borrowed a book on CD to listen to on my daily commute (the radio stations suck) and Mark shifted through the law books. We then went to Dover Downs for dinner. I was surprised to see that the poor horses even race in the snow and sleet. The drivers and the horses were coated in a gray snow. It looked quite miserable to me.

Afterwards, I took the $1 bill out of my pocket that I remembered to bring for the slot machines and set out to win some $$money$$. Much to my dismay, I returned after 10 minutes with a pout because none of the machines take ones (not even the penny machines). Boo on them. But I got to watch Mark play and WIN on one of the penny machines. Like the smart man that he is after making a $5 profit, he cashed out and walked away. WooWhoo ;). Mark's mother loaned me $5 to play the penny machine before going off to play one herself. After 10 minutes I lost every penny and she had won $22. :( Yea for her. . . boo for me.

The woman playing next to me inserted a $100 bill into the penny slots. Seemed a little extreme to me. However, during one of the bonus rounds she won $212 and then in another $76 . . . but by the time we left she was back down to the $100 she came in with. I guess if you have money you should burn it. (umm not really).

We were all exhausted so back at the house we collected our things and hit the road. The drive home was a little unnerving for me. Luckily I trust Mark as a driver because the roads were frozen solid and there was a thick fog in our path. It was a little scary but we got to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge safely.

Somehow in our tiredness, we got off 50 going South and 15 minutes later we realized after passing the same road twice that we were now going North. We have no idea how this happened. We were guessing alien abduction.

It was a fun day off. :) I look forward to my weekend off! :)

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