Somedays I falter on being strong. Just for a minute, it is easy to do. But just for a minute. How can I be anything but strong 99% of the day, I have two amazing children depending on me, a husband who loves me and friends who have provided me with so much support...that I am amazed.
I guess sometimes it is easy to go through life feeling...okay...good...liked...maybe even quasi important. But with all the support I have received I feel more than ok....I feel loved and important....and strong. Reading all the messages my friends and family have written to me and about me, makes me feel so loved and so lucky. Who would of though Stage 2 Triple Negative Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma would make me feel so lucky. But I wake up every day realizing how great my life really is....and that alone gives me all the strength I need to get through this.
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